Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Silsby Drama: Dropped Charges Not Dropped

Mainstream media reported Thursday that charges against nine of ten TeamSilsby members have been dropped. Then the Haitian Attorney General said,, they haven't.

I'm working on other projects and don't have the time to comment. Baby Love Child, though, has. Her Charges not dropped against American Baptist missionaries despite Thursday's reports reviews the latest Silsby (in this case government-media complex) faux pas.

You'd think by now the State Department would figure out its not the arbitrator nor interpreter of Haitan law. Since MSM, does believe State is, however, reporters failed to follow a very basic rule: verify verify verify. And so did TeamSilsby and its legal team who rushed to their keyboards with the great news.

BLC's blog includes a link to Topeka Silsbyite Drew Culberth's 14 minute TV interview made after he got the good news, but before he got the bad news. The interview doesn't reveal anything new about the group's venture in Silsby's heart of darkness, but it is valuable in detailing their jailhouse life.

Culberth still doesn't "get" that the group did anything wrong. They just wanted to give "orphans a better life." Still drinking Silsby's kool-aid, Culbreth says there will be no closure until Miss Laura, who "deserves to have her name cleared" is released.

No regrets. No questions about the note slipped to MSNBC; No opinion about Silsby's stateside "problems." But nobody really asked either.

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